Cold War. You are the head of one of the Foreign Intelligence Agencies. When the government decides to settle matters quietly – you become its invisible hand. Now it’s up to you to resolve these delicate problems, using all the sophisticated arsenal you have.
Expanding the intelligence network is a...
Cold War. You are the head of one of the Foreign Intelligence Agencies. When the government decides to settle matters quietly – you become its invisible hand. Now it’s up to you to resolve these delicate problems, using all the sophisticated arsenal you have.
Expanding the intelligence network is a kind of art... Brute force, spying, blackmail, propaganda, bribery – it’s only a fraction of what you can. After all – the ends justify the means, especially when the interests of the state are at stake.
You’d better be sure that all your network, all your spies, diplomats and field agents are working together – and only then you’ll achieve your goal.
Холодная война. Четыре могущественные державы находятся в затяжном конфликте. Вы руководитель управления внешней разведки одной из стран. На ваши плечи ложится непростая задача, для выполнения которой придётся пользоваться самыми изощрёнными приёмами. Но цель оправдывает средства, тем более, когда на кону интересы государства.