At the end of the 19th Century, a brilliant and wealthy inventor announced that he was building a gleaming city of the future – a utopian metropolis run by an intricate system of clockwork gears. Tragically, he passed away mere months before its completion, and his dream city fell into disrepair and...
At the end of the 19th Century, a brilliant and wealthy inventor announced that he was building a gleaming city of the future – a utopian metropolis run by an intricate system of clockwork gears. Tragically, he passed away mere months before its completion, and his dream city fell into disrepair and ruin before it was ever set into motion.
Now, decades later and armed with a workforce of automaton workers and moxie to spare, you and your rivals have built miraculous factories outside the derelict city, and you plan to uncover its secrets and finally make the dream a reality. The world is captivated by the prospects hidden within, but only one person will be remembered by history as the founder of the city. It’s time to amaze the public, amass the most prestige, and bring to life the miraculous CITY OF GEARS!