Enter the world of Eldronia, a once-peaceful realm now ravaged by the Crystalline Wars. In this card game, you are a powerful wizard vying for supremacy amidst the chaos. The land is a battleground where wizard factions clash, harnessing the power of elemental crystals to create fusions, which can b...
Enter the world of Eldronia, a once-peaceful realm now ravaged by the Crystalline Wars. In this card game, you are a powerful wizard vying for supremacy amidst the chaos. The land is a battleground where wizard factions clash, harnessing the power of elemental crystals to create fusions, which can be used to unleash powerful attacks on opponents. Your mission? Master the elemental forces, eliminate rival wizards, and become the ultimate champion.
Crystalline Wars offers a mix of strategy and sorcery, inviting players to command mystical familiars, wield powerful items, and dominate dynamic battlegrounds. Whether you choose the solitary path of solo play or the challenge of battling multiple opponents, each mode presents an array of strategic possibilities.
Fusions Explained:
The core mechanic of Crystalline Wars involves combining unique elemental crystals to create fusions. The more unique elemental crystals you combine, the more damage the fusion will inflict on an opponent.
There are 7 types of elemental crystals in the game: Air, Earth, Fire, Metal, Spirit, Water, and Wood.
The abilities of battlegrounds, items, familiars, and spells can enhance, reduce, cancel, or even redirect fusion damage to a different target.