Players use colorful dice to represent armies of different fantasy races which battle to control essential terrain in this fast-rolling game. Any number of players can join the struggle, although it's designed as a multiplayer game. The first player to capture two terrains immediately wins the game,...
Players use colorful dice to represent armies of different fantasy races which battle to control essential terrain in this fast-rolling game. Any number of players can join the struggle, although it's designed as a multiplayer game. The first player to capture two terrains immediately wins the game, or you may try to obliterate your opponent's dice. Spells and layered strategies benefit certain races as you try to control the odds in this dynamic game full of surprises!
The sealed starter setup gives one player 30 points of Firewalkers versus another player's 30 points of Treefolk. The players draft 2 dragons each and 2 terrains each.
Many setups use bags to store several dice (sealed or constructed formats). Use the mouse scroll wheel while hovering over the bag to increase the number of dice you pull out of the bag at once!
Common controls to make gameplay easier:
Shift + Mouse Left Click, hold and drag to select multiple dice. Or left click multiple dice to select multiple dice.
R - roll selected dice
F - increment the die value (useful for terrain dice)
Right click die (dice) to open a radial menu where you can set the die value. Useful for setting terrain value when changed, or to set all units in an army to the ID face by setting to face 1.
F - Flip the player aid on the racial sheet to see the reverse side.
Select the deck of cards and click and drag to the bottom of the screen to add it to your hand. These are your available spells.
Some setups use bags for dice storage. While your mouse cursor is hovered over a bag, use the scroll wheel to increase the number of dice you pull out at once.