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Endless Winter: Paleoamericans

Endless Winter: Paleoamericans

1h - 2h
Endless Winter: Paleoamericans takes place in North America, around 10,000 BCE. Players guide the development of their tribes across several generations—from nomadic hunter-gatherers to prosperous tribal societies. Over the course of the game, tribes migrate and settle new lands, establish cultural ...

  • 2 players, Eng - Megalith map v.1
  • 2 players, Eng - Megalith map v.2
  • 2 players, Eng - Megalith map v.3
  • 2 players, Eng - Megalith map v.4
  • 3 players, Eng - Megalith map v.1
  • 3 players, Eng - Megalith map v.2
  • 3 players, Eng - Megalith map v.4
  • 3 players, Eng - Megalith map v.5
  • 4 players, Eng
  • 4 players, Eng - Megalith map v.1
  • 4 players, Eng - Megalith map v.2
  • 4 players, Eng - Megalith map v.3
  • 4 players, Eng - Megalith map v.4
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