Set in a chaotic, alien universe where its guardians have turn on each other vying for ultimate godhood, Endogenesis is a competitive card game that features strategic free-for-all combat with highly customizable gameplay.
In this epic battle, you take on the role of a cosmic spirit with access t...
Set in a chaotic, alien universe where its guardians have turn on each other vying for ultimate godhood, Endogenesis is a competitive card game that features strategic free-for-all combat with highly customizable gameplay.
In this epic battle, you take on the role of a cosmic spirit with access to otherworldy realms. Collect Skills from the Realm of Knowledge to customize your character with different powers, and upgrade them with Shards that you earn by defeating your enemies.
Also joining the fray are vicious Monsters from the Realm of Chaos. The most powerful of these are called Legendary Monsters; killing them will reward its slayer with a Prism, a crystal needed to achieve godhood. Be the first to collect 3 Prisms and you win!