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Feudum: Rudders & Ramparts
Feudum: Rudders & Ramparts

Feudum: Rudders & Ramparts

1h 15m - 3h
By Jove! A splendid array of vessels have arrived at port. Will you use your wealth to procure a craft—or save your shillings to reinforce your ramparts? The Rudders & Ramparts expansion features artisan-edition vessels and castles that may be used purely for decoration—or to play a military vari...

  • 2 players, Deu
  • 2 players, Eng
  • 2 players, Fra
  • 3 players, Deu
  • 3 players, Eng
  • 3 players, Fra
  • 4 players, Deu
  • 4 players, Eng
  • 4 players, Fra
  • 5 players, Deu
  • 5 players, Eng
  • 5 players, Fra
  • 6 players, Deu
  • 6 players, Eng
  • 6 players, Fra
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