In Fighting Fantasy Adventures, Martin Wallace has skilfully adapted these beloved solo adventure books into a card game format, letting you experience the stories in a whole new way.
Now you can play with up to three friends (1-4 Players), in a co-operative format or just play Solo. Gameplay is ...
In Fighting Fantasy Adventures, Martin Wallace has skilfully adapted these beloved solo adventure books into a card game format, letting you experience the stories in a whole new way.
Now you can play with up to three friends (1-4 Players), in a co-operative format or just play Solo. Gameplay is easy to learn and engaging, downtime is minimal, and your characters will gain new abilities after each adventure. The card-based system lets you have the feel of a Role-Playing game, without the need for a Games Master. The map is revealed as you play and event cards tell you what you have discovered.
This is our sample adventure.