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Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest
Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest

Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest

45m - 1h
In the world of Galecrest, sky pirates set sail on the winds in search of adventure, treasure, and glory. As an admiral, you command a vast and varied crew … but so do your rivals sailing other ships in the pirate fleet. Each day the fleet lands on a different island where you’ll send a crew member ...

  • 1 player, Eng - Calm Game, English
  • 1 player, Eng - Stormy Game, English
  • 2 players, Eng - Calm Game
  • 2 players, Eng - Demo Game
  • 2 players, Eng - Stormy Game
  • 3 players, Eng - Calm Game
  • 3 players, Eng - Stormy Game
  • 4 players, Eng - Calm Game
  • 4 players, Eng - Stormy Game
  • 5 players, Eng - Calm Game
  • 5 players, Eng - Stormy Game
  • 6 players, Eng - Calm Game
  • 6 players, Eng - Stormy Game
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