Enjoy a game that explores the exciting situations and quirky, and often hilarious action and comedy of role-playing. Nat 1 condenses all the fun, enjoyment, and laughs of a full role-playing campaign into 20-45 minutes of game-play. Nat 1 allows players new to role-playing as well as role-playin...
Enjoy a game that explores the exciting situations and quirky, and often hilarious action and comedy of role-playing. Nat 1 condenses all the fun, enjoyment, and laughs of a full role-playing campaign into 20-45 minutes of game-play. Nat 1 allows players new to role-playing as well as role-playing veterans to enjoy a game together that is ready to play at a moments notice.
Nat 1 is also a great way to introduce someone to role-playing without a long commitment. This game was created by role-playing and board gaming enthusiasts who used their knowledge of board games and role-playing to craft an enjoyable game with endless replay-ability.