Q-Memory, complete the quantum link using your memory as your only tool.
18 hex-tiles, 5-10 minutes per game and many game modes which make this game the perfect filler!
During each turn, the players will try to complete the quantum link (have all the tiles revealed), but they will have to follo...
Q-Memory, complete the quantum link using your memory as your only tool.
18 hex-tiles, 5-10 minutes per game and many game modes which make this game the perfect filler!
During each turn, the players will try to complete the quantum link (have all the tiles revealed), but they will have to follow the quantum sequence in order to do so.
Each time we flip a tile, it must match with the previously revealed tile either with its background color or its core color (black or white). If they do match, you may reveal an extra one that must match in the opposite way than it did before (if the core was matched, now you must match the background, and viceversa).
If this condition is not met, the quantum link will be broken, you will have to flip back down all the revealed tiles and it will be the next player's turn.
Whoever finished the quantum link first, will win the game.
Q-Memory es un juego donde utilizaras tu memoria como unica herramienta para completar el enlace quantico. 18 losetas hexagonales, 5-10 minutos de duracion y multiples modos de juego, hacen de Q un perfecto filler.
En su turno, los jugadores intentaran completar el enlace quantico (revelar todas las losetas), pero para ello deben continuar la secuencia quantica.
Cada vez que damos la vuelta a una loseta, esta debe conectar con la revelada anteriormente, bien con su color de nucleo (blanco o negro) o su color de fondo. Si conectan, la siguiente loseta que revelemos debera coincidir al contrario (si se conecto el nucleo, ahora debera conectar el color de fondo y viceversa). Si en algun momento no se produce esta conexion, daremos la vuelta a todas las losetas reveladas y comenzara el turno del siguiente jugador.
Quien sea el primero en completar el enlace quantico ganara la partida.