SimplyClever.Cards Arithmetic combines traditional playing cards, math flash cards and the multiplication table from 0 to 12. The deck has 52 cards in 4 colours numbered 0-12, and 4 jokers.
The jokers (not included in this online version) have mathematical operators *, +, - and = so you can make ...
SimplyClever.Cards Arithmetic combines traditional playing cards, math flash cards and the multiplication table from 0 to 12. The deck has 52 cards in 4 colours numbered 0-12, and 4 jokers.
The jokers (not included in this online version) have mathematical operators *, +, - and = so you can make your own calculations using the cards.
Designed to function like a regular deck of cards, SimplyClever.Cards Arithmetic allows you to play any regular card game you want to - but with a mathematical twist! Game examples: 500, Blackjack, Bridge, Casino, Crazy Eights, Durak, Egyptian Ratscrew, Go Fish, Hearts, Memory, Old Maid, Poker, Rummikub, Slap Jack, Snap, UNO, Whist
The key mechanic is that each card lists 5 multiplication products at the bottom, below the main card value (ranging from 0 to 12). Mathematical versions of regular card games are created by combining three cards such that the product of two card values can be found among the 5 listed on a third card.
E.g. if you take one card numbered 11 and one card numbered 12, you need to match these with a third card that has the product 132 at the bottom. These three cards can represent different equations such as multiplication 11x12=132, division 132/12=11 or even fractions 1/12=11/132.