An arcane and unknown power has taken over the world of Skytear, controlling hordes of monsters led by its dreadful elementals, known as Outsiders. The legendary heroes from all the Realms have set aside their rivalries and forged an alliance to repel the common threat, once and for all.
The core...
An arcane and unknown power has taken over the world of Skytear, controlling hordes of monsters led by its dreadful elementals, known as Outsiders. The legendary heroes from all the Realms have set aside their rivalries and forged an alliance to repel the common threat, once and for all.
The core gameplay of Skytear Horde is the combat between waves of monsters and your hero and troops defending the castle. If you played card battlers like Heartstone or KeyForge, you will find yourself at home.
Unlike those card games though, Skytear Horde is designed for solo and co-op play, rather than player versus player. To compensate for the "dumb" opponent, we designed a set of unique gameplay features to guarantee always tense and challenging games.
It starts with the asymmetric victory conditions. You lose if your castle is destroyed or if your deck runs out of cards. On the other hand, to win it will not be enough to “just survive” the horde. You will have to find the resources to leave the castle and tear down the gates that are spawning the waves of monsters.