Squarriors: The Card Game (STCG) is based off the hit Squarriors Comic Series. Squarriors centers around several clans of animals living in a world recently devoid of humans. Since the demise of humanity, the remaining animal life on the planet have become intelligent. While playing Squarriors: The...
Squarriors: The Card Game (STCG) is based off the hit Squarriors Comic Series. Squarriors centers around several clans of animals living in a world recently devoid of humans. Since the demise of humanity, the remaining animal life on the planet have become intelligent. While playing Squarriors: The Card Game it will be up to you to ensure your side's survival.
STCG features skill-based gameplay, world-class artwork, narrative-driven content, dual-purpose cards and abundant tactical options.
In Squarriors: The Card Game there is no randomized deck to draw from. In fact, when you begin your game, all cards will either already be in play or in your hand.
Since there is no random deck draw, tailoring your strategy ahead of time and carefully choosing your cards is a must if you wish to dominate the enemy!
If you are overwhelmed with all the combinations while learning Squarriors TCG, we recommend playing a game of Tin Kin VS. Maw. We have pre-selected your Domains, Characters and Tactics Cards ahead of time so you can jump right into the action!
If you prefer to fully customize your Domains, Characters and Tactics and have played a few games, we suggest the Dual Deck Duel. This version includes ALL the Domains, Characters and Tactics in the full boxed set of Squarriors TCG.
We also recommend watching our two video tutorials to help you jump into the action!