In a world where demons hide in the deepest shadows and angels, in their blind justice, can become an inadvertent threat, you and your companions have a crucial role to play.
The objective of the game is to accumulate the highest number of points by building sacred places.
To obtain the crysta...
In a world where demons hide in the deepest shadows and angels, in their blind justice, can become an inadvertent threat, you and your companions have a crucial role to play.
The objective of the game is to accumulate the highest number of points by building sacred places.
To obtain the crystals required for their construction, you must defeat demons or steal crystals from other players.
The potions that destroy demons are crafted using herbs you'll need to gather.
As you progress on the board, you can engage other players in magic duels that allow you to thwart the objectives of other players.
And let's not forget the spell cards that can change the fate of any play at the most unexpected moment.