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Dahlgaard's Academy and Dawn of Technology
Dahlgaard's Academy and Dawn of Technology

Dahlgaard's Academy and Dawn of Technology

Trickerion Expansions
1h - 2h
2.7K h
Following the Great Dahlgaard’s spectacular contest for the Trickerion Stone, the City of Magoria has entered a new Golden Age. Under the wise guidance of Dahlgaard’s Heir, the winner of the contest, the city has once again become a bustling, flourishing center of magic and illusion, with a new gene...

  • 1 player, Eng, English
  • 1 player, Eng - The Dawn of Technology, English
  • 2 players, Eng
  • 2 players, Eng - Dahlgaards Gifts: Duel of Magicians
  • 2 players, Eng - The Dawn of Technology
  • 2 players, Eng - The Dawn of Technology + Dahlgaards Gifts: Duel of Magicians
  • 3 players, Eng
  • 3 players, Eng - Dahlgaards Gifts: Magician Powers
  • 3 players, Eng - The Dawn of Technology
  • 4 players, Eng
  • 4 players, Eng - Dahlgaards Gifts: Magician Powers
  • 4 players, Eng - The Dawn of Technology
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