In I Saw Something in the Shadows, a group of explorers searched for an ancient catacomb that legend promised would be full of treasure but suddenly the floor opens and everyone fell.
The good news is that they found the mythic catacombs and that there really is the treasure!
Now, bad news... The...
In I Saw Something in the Shadows, a group of explorers searched for an ancient catacomb that legend promised would be full of treasure but suddenly the floor opens and everyone fell.
The good news is that they found the mythic catacombs and that there really is the treasure!
Now, bad news... There is no exit in sight, and everyone has the feeling that there is something watching them during the journey.
Fortunately, the group has a sufficient supply of torches to, with some planning, explore the location, gather treasure, and find their way out... or so it seems.
Work as a team, stay close, keep the torches burning and be careful not to be alone!
[rules and cards in english are coming soon]
Em Vi algo nas sombras um grupo de exploradores buscava por uma antiga catacumba que a lenda prometia estar cheia de tesouros quando o chão cedeu abaixo deles.
As boas notícias são que eles encontraram as catacumbas, e que realmente há um tesouro!
Já as más notícias... Não há saída a vista, e todos tem a sensação de que há algo os observando enquanto exploram o local.
Felizmente o grupo tem um estoque de tochas suficiente para, com algum planejamento, explorar o local, juntar tesouros e encontrar a saída... ou pelo menos é o que parece.
Trabalhem em equipe, se mantenham próximos, mantenham as tochas acesas e cuidado pra não ficar sozinho!