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22 Apr 2023

Send 12 patrols to secure the borders of 9 regions, but place them very carefully!

Announcing 12 Patrols

12 Patrols is a solo, mostly abstract strategy game played with 9 cards, 9 D6 dice, and 9 cubes.



Play as the Constable of the kingdom. Send out 12 patrols of knights and footmen to protect all 9 regions. Win by placing all 12 patrols satisfactorily.


A win! All 12 patrols successfully placed.


12 Patrols won 2nd place for best overall game in the 2019 9 Card Design Contest, and is part of the second wave of AV Studio Games's "Nano9games"!


12 Patrols on Tabletopia


Coming soon to Kickstarter!

Play it now on Tabletopia!


12 Patrols Tabletopia banner

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