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24 Jan 2017

Alien Frontiers Relaunched

Play for free, read interview with author, check out new graphics

Alien Frontiers is a classic board  game of resource management and planetary development with dice placement. We've got several cool news about this game, read on.



  • Second, we're proud to let you know that Tabletopia now features the all-new version of Alient Frontiers with the revamped graphics.


  • Third, we're making a live demo of Alien Frontiers this Thursday, January 26 at 9PM (EST)Sign up here.


  • Fourth, we’re also very happy to have talked with Tory Niemann, the designer of the game, who told us a lot of interesting stuff about the game and is just a super nice guy to talk to :) Read the exclusive interview on our blog!


Happy gaming, and see you at the table!

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