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07 Nov 2021

Create habitats, build food chains, and adapt quickly!

Announcing Biome: Borneo

Deep in the jungle of Borneo you'll have to compete for space and resources as you attract animals, build food chains, and adapt to the unexpected to create a beautiful biome.



Form micro-habitats using plant tiles, and attract animals to build food-chains, as you compete for resources and space. Take advantage of opportunities but be ready to quickly adapt to new strategies; as the jungle is transformed into a thriving Biome.




On their turn a player is allowed one of three actions: Exchange cards; Exchange Tiles; Play a card; and Place tiles onto the board. Placing tiles also earns more cards.

The game ends when the final tile is picked up by a player, triggering a final action for every player. Points determine the winner and are attained by earning cards through tile placement.



Play it now on Tabletopia!



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