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10 Jun 2019

Make your Fate!

Announcing Call to Adventure

Create the hero with the greatest destiny by acquiring traits, facing challenges, and overcoming adversaries!


Call to Adventure

1-4 players; 30-60 minutes

Call to Adventure features a unique "rune rolling" system for resolving challenges, a point-based system that encourages storytelling, and over 150 unique cards. Players begin each game with an origin card that provides their backstory as well as two "starter" abilities. Each round they may either acquire trait cards from the board or face a challenge. Challenges each have two possible paths a player can choose from. For example, players who encounter the Thieves' Guild may choose to train as a spy, or train as a killer. Each challenge has a difficulty that must be overcome by rolling successes on carved runes. The more a player has of the abilities required to overcome the challenge, the more runes they will be able to cast.

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