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06 May 2021

Fight other Sorcerer-Lords & destroy their strongholds!

Announcing Clash of Deck

2 players
15-30 minutes
Card drafting, hand management, scratch that MtG itch


Clash of Deck is a two-player, expendable game with many twists, the biggest of which is: you buy a folded, 8-pages booklet and cut the cards off to build your game.



Released on a monthly basis, the game sees the player summon creatures on each side of two bridges on two different lanes and attack their opponent to try and destroy first their watchtower, and then their castle. To do so they first must dispatch opposing creatures.


When a player suffers damage, they move their watchtower/castle card from left to right in their hand. If the building reaches the rightmost position, it is destroyed.



Since the number of cards in one's hand is the amount of mana the player gets at the beginning of their turn, and defeated creatures go back into your hand on the rightmost position, knowing which creature to play and which creature to let die is key to managing both your position on the board and your life total.


Play it now on Tabletopia!




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