Biology can be very fun! With Cytosis you get to play inside a human cell and learn how enzymes, hormones and receptors help fend off viruses. Smart is the new sexy, they say? ;)
The game is a huge Kickstarter hit, funded almost 20 times over, take a look at the campaign now!
2–5 Players; 50–75 Min
Cytosis: A Cell Biology Game is a worker placement game that takes place inside a human cell.
You will start out with a number of workers and will be placing one of them on any available location within that cell. Locations provide players with actions or resources (e.g., mRNA, ATP). Your goal is to score the most Health Points by building enzymes, hormones, and/or receptors.
"Cytosis is more than just a worker placement game. It’s an extremely good worker placement game. Between the different ways to score during the game, the goal mechanic, and the event deck, there’s plenty of paths to victory." A Pawn's Perspective
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