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12 Oct 2016

In Space They Can Hear You Digging

Darkrock Ventures: game about mining asteroids

Deep space, asteroids, resources, miners, aliens... No, it's not the setting for a new Alien movie, it's Darkrock Ventures, a new fast-paced and richly-thematic worker placement game by Magic Meeple Games on Tabletopia.

Learn how to play Darkrock Ventures this Saturday at 1PM EDT (5PM UTC).


Darkrock Ventures

1–5 Players; 30–45 Min; 2016; Game on BGG



Darkrock Ventures is euro game incorporating dice and dice manipulation, with worker placement, resource farming and exporting.


Players will be controlling a mining company working in harsh conditions of deep hostile space to acquire the most credits. Lives are lost in this line of work daily, but if you run a good crew you can make it out alive and rich!

"A very clever and challenging game. I've throughy enjoyed playing Darkrock Ventures" Undead Viking


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