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29 Aug 2020

Enter the dragon’s lair, push your luck, and become the greatest villain!

Announcing Dragonscales

You are a formidable villain; your sinister conquests are innumerable. But there is one foe that even you cannot vanquish alone, Archerex, the lord of Dragons. A hoard of treasure beyond imagining waits to be claimed, and the scales of this dragon are more valuable than any amount of gold or gems! Will your loose alliance be able to take down Archerex, or will this great dragon’s rage consume you all?


Dragonscales is a game of villainy and treasure-grabbing where players are sinister villains, each with their own unique advantages, tactics, and style! Show your strength by slaying the dragon… while grabbing as much treasure as possible! Or maybe you will find an opportune moment and rush for the exit leaving your “allies” to be consumed by the dragon’s rage!


Designed by Richard Launius, Dragonscales, gives players multiple victory conditions to work towards while providing constant player interaction. Devise a devious strategy and set forth into the great dragon’s lair, pushing your luck against that of the other players as you strive to be the most formidable villain!


Play it now on Tabletopia!



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