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06 Oct 2016

State of Emergence

Whose side are you on?


Do you like deduction games like Mafia, The Resistance, Avalon, and Werewolf? Do you feel that these games would benefit from adding more strategy and meaningful decisions?

Try Emergence, a game of cunning, teamwork, and deduction where your individual moves matter as much as your persuasion skills. The game was 900% funded on Kickstarter with over 2000 backers.



3–6 Players; 35–85 Min; 2015; Game on BGG


Emergence is a 3-6 player futuristic team-based deception resource collecting game.


Acting as Operatives for either the Artificial Intelligence security forces or the Human rebels, you wiil be assimilating data and gaining knowledge in order to convert it into influence.

Your goal: either root out the humans once and for all or corrupt the AI network and infiltrate its populace. And remember: trust no one!


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