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18 Dec 2017

Let There Be Light

Announcing Genesis

The Book of Genesis tells us a story about creation of heaven and earth. It took God six days to complete his work, assisted by a host of heavenly angels doing his divine bidding. On the seventh day God rested and examined the result. Seeing that it was good, he praised the angel who had contributed the most.




2-4 Players; 30-60 Minutes

In Genesis you play as one of the heavenly angels. You serve God during the first seven days, doing his bidding to the best of your ability. You gather the essence of chaos, matter and life and use these essences to do days’ work that give you points. You also get points for resting with God on the seventh day. The winner is the angel who has gathered the most points on the evening of the seventh day. But beware of the dark angel, who can steal victory from all players.

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