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30 May 2017

Cast in Stone

Prove your strength in Kumo Hogosha

In Kumo Hogosha you fight to prove your strength and to show your skills to the gods to try and become a Guardian of the Clouds, a demigod amongst men. Climb into the Arena and master its ever-changing environment! 


KUMO Hogosha




Kumo Hogosha is a wrestling game for 2–4 players who will compete for domination of a stone. 


As muscular Kumotori, the valiant warriors, you will fight against each other to push the Stone of Balance into your opponent’s camp, all the while rotating the Arena itself! The first team to pull the Stone out from the side of the opponent becomes the Kumo Hogosha.


"It’s rare to find an abstract game with a new angle like this, let alone with such high production quality and a theme so inviting. The sumo wrestlers work perfectly, running, throwing, blocking, and pushing into each other to control the stone." Board Game Anonymos


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