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22 Nov 2016

Learn & Play: Demos for Nov 25—27

Islebound, Lisboa (with Author), Septikon, Days of Ire: Budapest 1956

A new week, more games to learn and play! Also remember that Vital Lacerda himself will be teaching Lisboa, so don't miss this chance to meet the author and learn his newest game.

All events are free, no Tabletopia account is required to participate, only a short one-step registration.




Fri, Nov 25

9 PM (EST)


Sat, Nov 26

2 PM (EST)


Sat, Nov 26

9 PM (EST)

Days of Ire: Budapest 1956

Sun, Nov 27

2 PM (EST)


  • Islebound, a game by Ryan Laukat in which you will compete to build the best sea-faring nation by collecting resources, hiring crew, and conquering or befriending island towns.
  • Lisboa, a new city building and economic hevyweight eurogame by Vital Lacerda, now on Kickstarter. Taught by author!
  • Septikon, a futuristc game where you will take the role of the owners and leaders of orbital mining battle stations, which are hunting for rich uranium deposits in an asteroid belt.
  • Days of Ire: Budapest 1956, a historically inspired card-driven revolutionary board game set during the most explosive days of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.


See you at the table!


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