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21 May 2023

Corporations race to mine the Moon

Announcing Lunar Rush

Lunar Rush is a simultaneous-play Euro-style board game that combines time-based resource management, market economics, bidding, and tableau/engine-building into a refreshing new genre. You play as one of Earth’s four major corporate conglomerates, competing to mine the Moon for the newly-discovered “wonder materials,” lunethyst crystals and lunarium ore.



Every turn, players use their GigaCredits (GC = VP) to bid for the best space routes to and from the Moon. The slower the route, the more you can load on the ship. On the Moon, players simultaneously upgrade their bases and place their astronaut workers to produce the resources needed to maintain the base, as well as Moon goods to sell in Earth's bustling dynamic markets.



The game ends after seven turns, and the winner is the player with the most GC!

The race to win the new gold rush is on!


Lunar Rush on Tabletopia


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