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28 Dec 2016

Master of the Galaxy: New Features, Live Demo

Master of the Galaxy, one of the most popular games on Tabletopia, gets a massive update! New features include:

  • Improved conflict and leader cards
  • Substantially revamped development cards 
  • Totally remade government cards
  • A new victory condition added
  • Factions balance improved

Also, don't miss a live demonstration scheduled for Sunday January, 8 at 11 AM (EST). Sign up now!


Master of the Galaxy

2–4 Players; 60 Min; on Tabletopia only


Master of the Galaxy is fast and furious 4Х board game inspired by the best-selling computer game Master of Orion. eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate! 

At the start of your conquest of the Galaxy you have one star system, one Race card and modest supply of resources. During the game you fill your bag with new resources that may lead you to victory depending on the chosen strategy.

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