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16 May 2020

"Go" Gets An Upgrade!

Announcing Mitropia

Mitropia is a strategic area-control game rooted in the mechanics of the ancient game Go, with surprise elements that make it fun for every player! Use tribal powers, pattern movement cards, special actions, and more to capture the most territory and prisoners on the fields of the Gods.

The underlying game mechanics are simple to learn, but create intricate strategic and tactical challenges every time you play. The card drawing and random board generation elements of the game create a more even playing field between advanced players and casual players. These elements can also be dialed down or removed for pure strategic contests. With Mitropia, you get the best of both worlds combined: meaningful strategic gameplay but fun surprises.



This advanced twist on a classic is now available to play on Tabletopia, and only has a few days left on Kickstarter!



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