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15 Dec 2022

Expand your mycelium network with the aid of the mythical Mushlings!

Announcing Mycelium: A Mushling Game

In Mycelium: A Mushling Game, you must expand your network of mycelium pathways to be the first player to gather ten nutrients. Manage a versatile hand of mushling cards to use abilities, attack other players' paths, and construct new paths. Link your mycelium pathways to nutrient trees in the middle of the board.



Near the end of each turn, you must first return all of your gatherer mushlings to your colony, hoping they'll bring back nutrients and resources. Then, place your gatherer mushlings on various spaces on the board just before your turn ends, predicting where nutrients will appear. A deck of event cards determines where the next nutrients will appear, but players may play mushling cards to view and manipulate the deck in their favor.



The key to victory in the Mycelium Forest is to always be thinking one turn ahead!


Mycelium A Mushling Game components


Now on Kickstarter!

Play it now on Tabletopia!


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