Dear Friends and fellow Tabletopia users!
We were working hard during November and we thought we would bring to your attention, some of our most important achievements during the past month.
One of our most important tasks is to launch Tabletopia on Steam. The good news - we have done our first test plays using a downloadable Steam client and everything works perfectly! Now it is time to adjust our web part of Tabletopia for the Steam client and then we will be ready to open early access on Steam. We hope to do this at the beginning of February.
Here is Village running on Tabletopia via the Steam client
Picture counters
These are a very powerful and flexible tool for all game creators. They allow you to keep track of different parameters during the game using a series of images instead of numbers. It can be used to simulate dials and spinners as well as stickers and in-game multi-page leaflets. It can be used as a random number generator like dice, but flat and with no limit to the amount of sides. Read more here or
take a look at a demonstration of different implementations of picture counters.
Turn based mode
This is finished, and you can read how it works here. We are now working on PBEM (play by e-mail mode)
We have created a lot of game figures and tokens and would like to share it with you. Please take a look in the Game Objects Catalog (Custom Meeples and Tokens folders).
Among the most important articles published in November are Visual design guide, Game Creator Checklist, Play Zones, Object Behaviors and Picture counter - please take a look!
As we have promised our Kickstarter backers we will send them keys to join Tabletopia in December. We plan to do this just before Christmas. We are looking forward to seeing all of you on board!
Many new games were added to Tabletopia - we have decided to give you weekly previews of some of them, so please take a look on
Excellent game K2 from Rebel is coming soon on Tabletopia
Stay tuned! And play games! :)
With best regards,
Tim Bokarev
CEO Tabletopia
Please provide an your e-mail that you can access. We'll use this address to send important information and communication.