Dear Friends! Dear Tabletopia users!
We were extremely busy in October. We are a small team and all of us have many different responsibilities at the same time. However, we do need to be more regular with our communication to our community - it is very important to hear from you and share with you our plans and activities.
We are therefore opening up the position of Tabletopia community manager. If you are interested in this role, please send me your CV to The candidate should be a native english speaker, preferably with experience in Social Media Optimization. Good writing skill is essential. Initially it will be part time work with a possibility of full time later. Physical location doesn't matter.
In October we did a lot of bug fixing, as we now have many new users and a lot of valuable feedback from them. Dozens of issues were resolved, but we still have some more to go.
Also, we have started looking into full integration with Steam - this is now one of our main priorities. And of course there are new features coming in the next few weeks. Among them
- advanced play zones (more options for sharing your games)
- turn based mode
We have also finished the integration of custom dice, improved access speed for EU, US, Asia, JP, AU locations, added support of Graphics Quality Settings for slower computers and have done some other important tasks.
We have created and uploaded all sets of dice in our library.
Now, we are working on sets of different game tokens (This was one of our stretch goals on KS)
With the rapid development and corrections of our current features, we need to add / change 10 articles on our help pages - we plan to do this in the next couple of weeks.
We've also prepared a special article "Visual design guide” which will help game designers make their games look even better on Tabletopia.
"Game board before and after" - one of the many illustrations from upcoming guide.
I would like to show my personal gratitude to Christopher Mayer for creation of video guilde for game designers. You can find it in our help center and also in our Youtube channel.
There were many cool games created by our users - we have studied most of them and are preparing recommendations for their creators with possible improvements.
After that, we are planning to regularly promote this kind of games in our news-feed.
New exciting game Islebound. Created and submitted to Tabletopia by publisher - Red Raven Games.
We had more than 50 meetings with publishers at Essen. Now there are tons of e-mails and we’re discussing with them about which of their games we should begin our cooperation. We just need some time to finish up all the discussions and then we will make a special news update about new upcoming titles.
New potential hit form NSKN Games - work in progress :)
We have finished the first Twitch season which had some very interesting games and interviews. With guests like Rahdo Runs Through, Eric Summerer, Scott Morris , Bart Brunscheen, Ole Steiness, Karl Fenner, Ryan Laukat and Jamey Stegmaier. I would like to show my personal gratitude to David Lutz for his excellent show. And we all are looking forward to season two :).
Also there are some plans with Rahdo and Paul Grogan (from Gaming Rules!) about new video formats for Tabletopia. So stay tuned! :)
With best regards,
Tim Bokarev
CEO Tabletopia
Please provide an your e-mail that you can access. We'll use this address to send important information and communication.