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28 Jun 2017

Imperium in Your Pocket

Expand, explore, exterminate and exploit in Pocket Imperium

Want to conquer the space but don't have too much time? Pocket Imperium from LudiCreations, a 4X microgame of galactic dimensions, might be just what you neeed! 


Pocket Imperium



Pocket Imperium is a micro space 4X game for 2-4 players with programmed, simultaneous action selection.


As leaders of one of four different spacefaring races, you will compete against the other races to explore the galaxy to find resources, expand your fleet with newer, stronger, and faster ships, and ultimately conquer your foes by engaging in open warfare. 


"Pocket Imperium is a decent, strategic, competitive puzzle game. Get this game if you like strategy to be the most important part of a game and like to try to outguess as well as outmaneuver your opponents." TechRaptor

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