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08 May 2020

Thrills! Suspense! Danger! SPAAAACE!

Announcing Pulp Invasion

The spiritual successor to Pulp Detective - all the artwork in this game is licensed original pulp artwork from 40s, 50s, and 60s magazine covers!

As a Free Captain of the Rim you roam the far reaches of space as a trader and mercenary. Secretly though you are an agent of the Intergalactic Council sent on a clandestine mission to explore planets infiltrated by three alien races known as The Cosmic Hegemony who plan to invade the peaceful worlds of Intergalactic Alliance.




Find all their world shattering Super Weapons, using your Combat Skills, Diplomacy, and Super Science, and stop them before it is too late!

Solo game with a 2 player PvP option.

The game uses a bag builder mechanic to add and remove dice from a bag. Cards are played to explore various sectors of space and 6 custom dice are used for combat situations.


Available now on Kickstarter, or you can play it for yourself on Tabletopia!



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