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25 Nov 2017

Take Back Ravenport

Announcing Rebels of Ravenport

Assemble your guild and defy the overlord in Rebels of Ravenport - new competitive card drafting strategy game, currently on Kickstarter.



Rebels of Ravenport 

2-6 Players; 40 Minutes

In Rebels of Ravenport, players take the role of guild leaders who must defeat the monsters and expand their guild. Each player starts off with a small guild of 3 rebels, and can attack one monster each turn. They roll the 3 dice to determine how much damage they deal against the monster. Each rebel deals 1 to 3 damage when a specific number (1 through 6) is rolled. To defeat the monster, they must deal damage greater than or equal to the monster's health. If successful, the guild gains reputation and victory points.  

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