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28 Jan 2020

Zero Hour: Nine AM

Announcing Rocketmen

Immerse yourself in a fast-paced race to the final frontier: space.



2-4 players; 30-90 minutes

A deck-building confrontation of swift decision-making and tactical choices, Rocketmen gives you the feel of taking a front seat in a technologically wonderful spectacle of space exploration. It’s up to your predictive abilities and resource management skill to determine what kind of endeavor would be most suitable for paving the way to Earth’s celestial neighbors. It doesn’t matter whether it would be a lowEarth orbit satellite or a manned base destined for the Red Planet; plan your mission carefully, equip your shuttles and rockets craftily, yet do not hesitate when your gut instinct tells you when it’s time to launch!


The game is also available on Kickstarter!

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