Players alternate between being the Attacker and Defender in each battle and pass the Attacker token before each encounter. The Attacker plays first and draws an Objective card, which shows victory conditions. The first player to complete them wins the battle. The card also shows the number of Terrain tiles each player must secretly draw from the bag. Players alternate placing terrains on the game board and then discreetly pick the units they want to take to battle and alternate deploying them on the board.
Tales of War is a turn-based game, and when it's their turn, the player selects one of their units and opts to either move it or attack with it. Making a move is mandatory. The encounter finishes when a player completes its objective.
After the battle, players draw Reward cards, reinforce their armies and either play another one or save campaign progress.
Amongst Reward cards are Special units, Hero Skills and the Cross of Eternity. The player who finds The Cross of Eternity card and wins the consecutive battle achieves campaign victory and wins the game.
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