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10 Feb 2022

Get your team in, complete your mission, then get out with minimal casualties.

Announcing V-Sabotage

Victory depends on you!



V-Sabotage is a WW2 commandos co-operative board game. Players can either select a pre-generated mission or create their own by combining objective cards, then they assemble a team from famous Allied corps: U.S. Raiders, British SAS., Devil’s Brigade, SOE, etc. During play, you hide in darkness, wear enemy uniforms, and sneak up on your targets.


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Get spotted? Open fire with emblematic allied weapons and try to turn the enemy's weapons against them! If you can, get back to cover and turn off the alarms as the enemy has more available troops than you. Thus, you need to focus on completing the mission, then leaving the area as quickly as you can.

V-Sabotage was previously funded on Kickstarter with the name "V-Commandos".


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