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17 Oct 2017

Squared Circle and the Techne of Elixir Brewing

Announcing the Valley of Alchemists

Welcome to The Valley of Alchemists, a land in the heart of mountains, carved by a glacier thousands of years ago. Each year, when Winter leaves the Valley and Mother Spring wakes the World to life anew, Alchemists arrange a slight contest of mixture preparation. Learn and strive for greatness, and maybe it will be you who wins the Spring contest and with it, the title of the best Alchemist in the Valley.


The Valley of Alchemists 

2-4 Players; 60 Minutes

The Valley of Alchemists is a family game for 2-4 players based on Set Collection and Pattern Building mechanics. Players manage resources to get the most cards in the right combinations so that they gain experience points. The winner is the player with the most experience points at the end of the game.

Go toe to toe with the other alchemists and gain fame, glory, and the title of alchemist of the year! With each elixir you concoct, you’ll learn new things, making it easier to find new ingredients to produce your next potions. Use magic to change the characteristics of your alchemical creations!

Kickstarter project for the game launched just a couple of days ago, so take this chance to create the ultimate elixir!

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