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01 Sep 2022

Roll and write the best dino theme park!

Announcing Welcome To Dino World

Create your very own Dinosaur Park in Welcome To Dino World! You'll need paths, facilities and to fill your park with Dinosaurs if you want to attract visitors. In this roll-and-write strategy board game you'll be drawing your park on the game sheets, just be careful your dinosaurs don't escape!



Each turn players share an expanding dice pool to work through three phases: add dinosaurs and buildings to the park, draw paths connecting attractions to the entrance, and control dinosaurs attempting to escape. The game ends whenever a player runs out of space in their park, or has had too many dinosaurs escape.


WTDW- 5 - Close up [square].jpg


The player with the most fame from dinosaurs/attractions and the fewest penalties from breakouts is the winner!


Welcome To Dino World on Tabletopia


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