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21 Mar 2019

And our friends are all aboard

Announcing Feudum: Rudders & Ramparts

Set your sails and calibrate your compass! It's time to take artisan-edition vessels and castles out for a spin!


Feudum: Rudders and Ramparts

Feudum: Rudders & Ramparts

2–6 Players; 80–180 Min

The Rudders & Ramparts expansion features artisan-edition vessels and castles that may be used purely for decoration - or to play a military variant of the game Feudum! Upon acquiring a regular vessel or feudum, players may pay an additional shilling to upgrade to a deluxe vessel or castle feudum. Players earn +1 attack for a deluxe vessel and +1 defense for a castle feudum. At the dawn of each epoch, players must pay 1 shilling to maintain each castle or deluxe vessel in their possession - or lose their advantage! 


You still have a few days to support game on Kickstarter!


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